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Introduction to Qawwali

Discover the mystic and beautiful genre of Qawwali

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Isn't it true?

Qawwali music has been politicized in South Asia. The music expects you to be familiar with many languages, especially Urdu, Punjabi and Farsi. And it expects that you will appreciate the double meaning in its poetry.

Truth be told, most of us don’t know all the intricacies of this world. To make things worse, politicians and certain institutions continue to use this music to divide us.

If you feel in your heart that there is more that binds us together than separates us, JOIN THE INTRO TO QAWWALI COURSE.

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Imagine you are able to understand Nusrat / Sabri Brothers's rendition better or really get it when you attend the next Qawwali concert. 

Imagine having a heated discussion, and you are eloquently able to share the value of the plurality within Qawwali. Rather than it being a tool of conversion, you can share how it fits in the larger devotional musical paradigm of South Asia.

Imagine that without spending years in language classes, you could understand the poetry commonly used in Qawwali!

Meet your instructor, Sonny

I’ve been learning music for almost 30 years, and performing for 20 years. My learning has been in music, poetry and also the many cultural practices within qawwali. I’ve led my qawwali group for 16 years. Performing this music across the world has given me a unique perspective and some phenomenal insights.

I’ve created this framework. Keeping religious, ethnic or political bias at bay, I present a clear picture of the unique musical elements within this music and its lyrics. In the course careful attention is paid in describing this music's origins, and purpose in traditional settings, where religion plays an important role.

The Introduction to Qawwali program will give you:

A richer and deeper understanding of the qawwali genre helping you to interpret the meaning of songs and poetry and how they apply to your life in the 21st century.

Attend your next qawwali concert with insights into the structure of a Qawwali concert, the meaning behind its poetry and cultural practices such as ruks and vel. Your concerts will become even more enjoyable allowing the music and performers to bring you the wisdom of the Sufi masters.

Talk with your friends and family with a deeper insight into how qawwali music and poetry can help heal and educate in our troubled times with wisdom that applies regardless of ethnicity, age or creed.

Here’s what you’ll get in the Introduction to Qawwali program:

Culture of Devotional Music in South Asia

Qawwali originated in South Asia, specifically in the sourts of Nizamudin Auliya which is located in present-day Delhi. Musically, it shares some similarities to Hindu bhajans and Sikh shabads, though the lyrics are very different. How are these genres connected? How are they different? How are they informing the each other? 

Take Action and Join the Introduction to Qawwali program Today and get over 40% off our pre-launch price.

Pre-Launch Offer


Includes tax

  • Expert tuition
  • 30 high-quality video lessons
  • 5 hours content
  • Watch as many times as you like
  • No time pressure to complete
  • Access on our favorite device

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This special launch price will expire on May 8th when the price will increase to $265 - Save over 40% by getting INSTANT ACCESS today.









Don’t leave without making the choice to TRANSFORM your understanding of Qawwali today. Get instant access to the Introduction to Qawwali program and finally be able to fully embrace everything this genre has to offer you.

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